Just Comfortable Enough to Do Nothing?

Well, the same activists who have been active for decades are still pulling the alarms, doing the research, and providing the facts that major media is not allowed to provide. One might guess that the American public, claiming to understand what has befallen their nation, would also become activists for the cause of freedom and the rights of themselves and their children, but one would be wrong.

Most Americans, like all the rest of the world’s people, have taken a dive in lifestyles, their abilities to have good food and water, to pay utilities, and have work and even homes. They know their education system is garbage, their culture is garbage, their entertainments are garbage, their elected representatives are garbage, etc., but instead of becoming active workers to correct these realities, they simply complain, act educated like they actually know something, and stay home and do nothing but complain.

Complaints are good, but they do not restore nations. Restoration takes work, incessant efforts, and fearlessness. This is where Americans are lacking. Phones and tablets take precedence. TV takes precedence. Acting like everything is okay as long their families are barely making it takes precedence, all the while complaining, but not lifting one finger to help.

Complacency is why our rights are gone, why criminals run the nation and now the entire world, and why, when it hits the fan in forthcoming full-force, Americans will only complain behind the closed doors and minds of their inaction. In fairness, it is a historical pattern to sit by and watch atrocities unfold, to do nothing, to starve, and to allow criminals full reign. Then again, it is immoral to do so.

Freedom, which necessitates the comforts, incomes, intelligence, and future of a family, was never about you and yours. It was an endowed principle given to all human beings. When that freedom is stolen, a universal construct is violated for all of humankind. To do nothing, to act as if your family is the single most important issue at hand is immoral and callous, particularly when millions believe the same while an entire world suffers, starves, and is systemically violated and enslaved.

Whether religious or non-religious, human life is about the future. The present, this moment in time, is simply what it is, for the next second is impending. All life is about the next inch, the next desire, the next meal, the next phone call, the next deadline, the next day and then night, the next paycheck, the next birthday, the next generation; life is about the future of existence. When unaccountable people steal the future from not only humanity, but also from nature’s flora and fauna, there is no future. Whether religious or non-religious, one family’s ability to live is dependent upon the abilities of all families to live. To shut doors on humanity’s nightmare is to die spiritually, rationally, intellectually, financially, ethically and morally and, ultimately, physically.

The perpetrated weapons of total mass-technology today comprising air, soil, food, water, natural gas, oil, metering, communications, transportation, finance, education, surveillance, law enforcement, military, insurance, health care, data collection and sharing, pharmaceuticals, mental illness, employment, entertainment, and crime, just to name a few, have damaged humans being beyond all comprehension and reason. We are no longer living as human beings and, as a consequence, we no longer feel or act as human beings. We no longer have self-preservation instincts, and we do not care about other human beings.

Totalitarian technology controls all daily life and, as such, we no longer live humanly. Instead, we are fully engulfed within interconnecting networks of technological insistence; networks that watch, listen, educate, entertain; track our usage of food, gasoline and water, financially, medically, and legally regulate, and we are ranked by connectivity and stored outcomes. This is not “human” life.

The outcry for justice, for freedom, may never occur as people meld into biological-technical creatures and living. They will choose to use their devices, to interface with them, to service and upgrade them, and to work diligently for their ranked scores far more than their human family; they will simply succumb.

Most are just comfortable enough to do nothing, because they are already electronically enslaved, and the unaccountable ones couldn’t be more pleased with their creations. The day is rapidly approaching where comfort, any comfort, will also be ignored and forgotten much like freedom, and without freedom, there is no future potential for humanity.

How and Why We are to Blame

“When you ponder the implications of allowing a small group of powerful wealthy unaccountable men to control the currency of a nation over the last one hundred years, you understand why our public education system sucks. You understand why the government created Common Core curriculum teaches children that 3 x 4 = 13, as long as you feel good about your answer. George Carlin was right. The owners of this country (bankers, billionaires, corporate titans, politicians) want more for themselves and less for everyone else. They want an educational system that creates ignorant, obedient, vacuous, obese dullards who question nothing, consume mass quantities of corporate processed fast food, gaze at iGadgets, are easily susceptible to media propaganda and compliant to government regulations and directives. They don’t want highly educated, critical thinking, civil minded, well informed, questioning citizens understanding how badly they have been screwed over the last century. I’m sorry to say, your owners are winning in a landslide.

“The government controlled public education system has flourished beyond all expectations of your owners. We’ve become a nation of techno-narcissistic, math challenged, reality TV distracted, welfare entitled, materialistic, gluttonous, indebted consumers of Chinese slave labor produced crap. There are more Americans who know the name of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s bastard child (North West) than know the name of our Secretary of State (Ketchup Kerry). Americans can generate a text or tweet with blinding speed but couldn’t give you change from a dollar bill if their life depended upon it. They are whizzes at buying crap on Amazon or Ebay with a credit card, but have never balanced their checkbook or figured out the concept of deferred gratification and saving for the future. While the ignorant masses are worked into a frenzy by the media propaganda machine over gay marriage, diversity, abortion, climate change, and never ending wars on poverty, drugs and terror, our owners use their complete capture of the financial, regulatory, political, judicial and economic systems to pillage the remaining national wealth they haven’t already extracted.

“The financial illiteracy of the uneducated lower classes and the willful ignorance of the supposedly highly educated classes has never been more evident than when examining the concept of Federal Reserve created currency debasement – also known as inflation. The insidious central banker created monetary inflation is the cause of all the ills in our warped, deformed, rigged financialized economic system. The outright manipulation and falsity of government reported economic data is designed to obscure the truth and keep the populace unaware of the deception being executed by the owners of this country. They have utilized deceit, falsification, propaganda and outright lies to mislead the public about the true picture of the disastrous financial condition in this country. Since most people are already trapped in the mental state of normalcy bias, it is easy for those in control to reinforce that normalcy bias by manipulating economic data to appear normal and using their media mouthpieces to perpetuate the false storyline of recovery and a return to normalcy.

“This is how feckless politicians and government apparatchiks are able to add $2.8 billion per day to the national debt; a central bank owned by Too Big To Trust Wall Street banks has been able to create $3.3 trillion out of thin air and pump it into the veins of its owners; and government controlled agencies report a declining unemployment rate, no inflation and a growing economy, without creating an iota of dissent or skepticism from the public. Americans want to be lied to because it allows them to continue living lives of delusion, where spending more than you make, consuming rather than saving, and believing stock market speculation and home price appreciation will make them rich are viable life strategies. Even though 90% of the population owns virtually no stocks, they are convinced record stock market highs are somehow beneficial to their lives. They actually believe Bernanke/Yellen when they bloviate about the dangers of deflation. Who would want to pay less for gasoline, food, rent, or tuition?

“Unless you are beholden to the oligarchs, that sense of stress, discomfort, feeling that all is not well, and disturbing everyday visual observations is part of the cognitive dissonance engulfing the nation. Anyone who opens their eyes and honestly assesses their own financial condition, along with the obvious deterioration of our suburban sprawl retail paradise infrastructure, is confronted with information that is inconsistent with what they hear from their bought off politician leaders, highly compensated Ivy League trained economists, and millionaire talking heads in the corporate legacy media. Most people resolve this inconsistency by ignoring the facts, rejecting the obvious and refusing to use their common sense. To acknowledge the truth would require confronting your own part in this Ponzi debt charade disguised as an economic system. It is easier to believe a big lie than think critically and face up to decades of irrational behavior and reckless conduct.”

Smacked down by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog.

Well, now… “Government of the people, by the people, and for the people…” was wasted on the people who clearly did not want the job, but who strangely claim to idolize the person who wrote these words. That would be Abraham Lincoln, by the way, in the Gettysburg Address by the way, as I’m sure most Americans do not know (or care).

So, here we are. No rights, no jobs or potential for jobs, no actual education (no smarts), no control over our elected slave masters, and no time to take from our “smart” phones, tablets, computers, TV sets, pharmaceutical highs, or our government’s gift of marijuana to ensure our stupid highness; we are “too busy” to deal with conspiracy theories of bad governance, economic destruction by the Ivy Leaguers, martial law, militarized law enforcement, climate engineering (less food and water coupled with sickness), poverty, and stupidity rapidly approaching actual roboticism called Remote Neural Monitoring. Never heard of it? You are no doubt too busy being entertained by screens.

It is interesting that we are now full, chock full, of nano- particulate metals, which have been sprayed on all humanity for upwards of 50 years. We are much more “robotic” than we care to think; much more metallic than we realize, and it shows. Our absolute “addiction” to electronic devices is far more than addiction. We are now “interacting” electronically with devices designed to interface with biotechnical physiologies, meaning electronically “enhanced” human beings. Our “addictions” to phones and tablets in particular are chronic and near-desperate addictions, which are very, very soon to be physically attached to our bodies. Teachers have certainly noticed the problems with students and their phones and tablets in classrooms; students who have become unreachable because they can only focus upon their devices, and when the devices are disallowed, the students have symptoms . The get angry, panicky, fidgety, and they look to their phones for comfort even risking disciplinary action or poor grades; they don’t care. They have to interface with their devices to feel “normal”.

We have passed the point of human return. Geoengineering, the aerial spraying of nano-particulate metals, is ongoing every single day, and these same metals are found in pharmaceutical drugs , on all marijuana plants, and in all food and water sources. And as our former biological bodies are now different, it is very likely given the nature of our slave masters that we are also patented inventions, remembering that the Supreme Court allowed for the patenting of “life” in 1980. We are absolutely not wholly biological people anymore; we are highly metallic, and we are clearly “interfacing” with “devices” that not only command but have captured our attention.

Equally, our intellectual and physical abilities are lessening. Our attention spans are…different…and they are motivated almost solely by our electronic connectivity with “devices.” It is extremely difficult for any of us to part ways with our electronic “communications”. It is impossible for the schooled, the employed, and “entertainment” is near total electronic in nature. Even yours truly: I gave up the cell phone and the TV set, but found I spend most of my time in front of a computer system. I, too, am a full-fledged addict to this technology.

Physically, we are all sick but also dulled. The mass-invasion of nano-metals into our physiologies has damaged our vital organ systems, our energy levels, and they have dulled our intellectual and emotional capacites, which now desire “focused” attention upon interfacing. We do not want to be disturbed when communicating with our devices. Our brains have changed from biological operations to electronically obsessed and inclined devices, and we ARE experiencing interconnectivity with our screen devices, which were designed for such purpose.

We are also experiencing multiple and early cancers and brain problems due to the electrical super-charges within our bodies. And then, of course, there is Monsanto’s weed, aluminum, insect and drought-resistant foods; all genetically modified to grow in wholly toxic and wholly deadened and heavy metals-laced soils…globally.

As Jim Quinn frankly relayed, this is what happens when you are given food and entertainment, much like in ancient Rome, where “food and entertainment” kept the masses distracted so their rulers could do unnoticed whatever they wanted to do, including the theft of their subjects and including democide and genocide. Our rulers, however, want more; they want to alter human beings to be incapable of anything but slavery. Slaves make billionaires and trillionaires. Electronically enslaved people make for technologically perfected slaves as Quinn notes.

But, that’s okay. We don’t kare. W’v got phones and tablets and w’r communicating with them. That’s enuf. Freedom? Health? W’v got tablets and pharmaceuticals; feel ok. Early death? No prob. W’v got assisted suicide, soon to be euthanasia. Psychotic slave masters? It’s ok. W’v got ebooks and games accessible from phones. W’r good. Smft.

Decade by decade we chose upgrades vs. freedom, health, education, and thinking, and we make every excuse to justify what we have become; interfacing creatures made by the slave masters. Problem is, we don’t care anymore. We have phones and tablets. W’r entertained. W’r connected. Nothing is our fault…k?

Thoughts on Nucleated Winter Assault 2013-14

The autumn of 2013 brought an extraordinary, season-long sky show of geoengineering, chemtrailing, blocked sunlight, and deadly particulate rains and flurries. I’m surprised they didn’t sell tickets. Equally extraordinary was sky-witnessing the raining of silvery threads, some in yard-long strands that glistened the grass, trees and bushes….the ones children and animals so enjoy. Following these extravaganzas came the “Polar Vortex” winter storms named for mythological deities and creatures, and mythological they were.

For three entire months, the jet stream never changed; the West Coast, Alaska and most of the Arctic temperatures were far, far above average temperatures, while the Eastern half of the US was “polarized” with record breaking cold and snowfalls…every weekend…cremating what remained of the American retail sector…and tripling or quadrupling the power bills of the nation’s part-timers and welfare recipients. Simply put, it was one hell of a winter albeit a winter that was once “normal” before the climate was “engineered”.

It is difficult to present the concept or possibility of climate control to anyone under the age of 50; genuinely difficult, because younger people have never experienced natural weather or skies in their lifetimes. To them normal looks much like the enormous chemtrails directly outside my window this very morning, like gigantic, twisting snakes in the sky, producing a whitish-gray color on “clear” days, and “normally” warmer winters. However, the lines in the sky and the milky sky color is created or engineered. Warm winters are created, not normal.

The cold temperatures and snowfalls this winter were also engineered, but explaining and convincing weather “creation” has been just as difficult as convincing American people that their Red and Blue “representation” in government is also a created and engineered belief, all of which artificially imposed lies of incomprehensible magnitude.

Chemtrails are not airplane exhaust. They are substances sprayed upon the earth. They are nano-particulates of many compositions, sprayed for many reasons known and unknown. Some of those reasons have to do with solar radiation management and global warming. Some relate to military applications; perhaps defensive or offensive, and some relate to experimentation upon the biological systems of earth; flora, fauna, soil and water systems. Other reasons include experimentation with the earth’s electromagnetic system. These experiments include storm generation, dissipation, and dragging; human activity and control, and power grid manipulation and control. Herein lays the problem: No one wants to believe any of this and, as such, chooses to disregard most if not all of these facts, which are verifiable, patented inventions, and true.

Geoengineering is the science of chemtrailing and weather manipulation or climate engineering. If you study using the term “geoengineering” rather than “chemtrails”, you will find the science, universities, and geoengineers who create weather systems. specifically engineered storms, droughts, floods, and nucleated winter (artificial temperatures and snowfalls). If you study the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (H.A.A.R.P), you will learn about global facilities that manipulate the earth’s electromagnetic systems and storms that work in tandem with the nano-particulates sprayed from airplanes (geoengineering). HAARP technologies work in tandem with the sprayed nano-particulates that are nano-sized heavy metals; metals that hold electrical charges. As all life is electrically charged, manipulation of natural electricity above our heads affects our body’s electrical systems, particularly in our brains. Hence, the epidemics of Alzheimer’s disease and autism, brain disorders, coincide exactly with the last 50 years of geoengineered climate and electromagnetic manipulation. HAARP facilities steer weather systems, which are also electrical.

This winter has offered to the American and global public an open, visible window into global climate experimentation. One way to convince skeptics of this fact is to look at the jet stream beginning in December through March, a jet stream which has not changed. Even skeptics must realize that an unchanging jet stream is not naturally occurring or naturally possible.

Fifty years of weather engineering have had dire consequences on all biological life on earth; on the oceans, lakes, rivers and streams, on all forests and desserts, and on all seed crops and animal food sources. The results are as follows:

Global toxic soil (contaminated with nano-particulate heavy metals, herbicides and insecticides)

Crop losses (due to drought and flooding)

Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds

Genetically modified grocery food

Long-term regional drought

Regional flooding

Rerouting of water supplies

Dam removals

Water acidification

Melting ice caps

Global and unstoppable wildfires and tree loss

Epidemic brain disorders

Epidemic asthma and pulmonary disorders, mostly blamed on smoking (again note 50-year time frame)

Epidemic species die-offs (approximately 200 per day)

Mass bird, insect and fish loss (smaller species)

Mass depression (brain disorders)

Global ill-health vs. improved health

New-fangled, annual and global vaccine experimentation

Mass-drugging of humans and animals

Global elimination of actual “health” care/medical care

Elimination of physicians and hospitals and replaced with nursing care and clinics

Global initiatives for assisted suicide and euthanasia

Global disdain for the elderly and infirmed

This list is the short list as there are many, many other consequences of this half-century experiment called climate control. In my opinion, over and above all other nightmares we are facing at the hand of governments and governing and warring dictators and their corporate owners, weather control and manipulation, coupled with the earth’s electromagnetic manipulation, are the predominant factor in whether we continue or not. And for whatever reasons, the ignoring of nuclear contaminations all over the planet somehow co-exist with the geoengineering initiatives as they, too, are ignored. As such, there is one other item to add to the list of geoengineering consequences; the 15 largest known global seed vaults as named below:

AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center

AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center is a nonprofit organization dedicated to alleviating poverty and improving nutrition through extensive research and outreach. AVRDC aims to improve the livelihoods of poor rural and urban households through the cultivation of more efficient vegetable varieties combined with effective production methods.

Headquartered in Shanhua, Tainan City in southern Taiwan, AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center now has over 300 staff members throughout Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Central America, and Oceania. One of AVRDC’s primary programs includes collecting, conserving, and distributing germplasms, samples of tissue from plants.

Now the world’s largest public vegetable germplasm collection, the AVRDC Genebank holds more than 59,500 different germplasms from 156 countries. The AVRDC Vegetable Genetic Resources Information System (AVGRIS) is a database containing information about the germplasm collections.

Camino Verde

Camino Verde is a nonprofit with locations in Concord, Massachusetts and Puerto Maldonado, Peru. Camino Verde’s mission is to plant trees and encourage future planting through educational programs and public awareness.

The initiative’s Living Seed Bank is a botanical garden with more than 250 tree species, and it protects endangered varieties and provides an arena for further research into multi-species agroforestry systems. Camino Verde has planted some 70 different varieties of fruit trees, 40 flowering species, and enough trees to cover seven hectares of land.

Great Lakes Bioneers Chicago (GLBC) Seed Saving Initiative

The Great Lakes Bioneers Chicago Seed Saving Initiative was created in 2012 out of the Chicago Bioneers Conference, where Vandana Shiva challenged audience members to begin their own local seed saving projects. The GLBC mission states that “this project is to honor and elevate the work of seed saving for the purposes of protecting and expanding the non-GMO native and edible seed saving projects.”

The initiative aims to expand by holding local and regional events to bring seed savers together to exchange and store regional varieties.

Hawai’i Public Seed Initiative

The Hawai’i Public Seed Initiative (HPSI), created by The Kohala Center and funded by the Ceres Trust, assists Hawaiian farmers by holding workshops to educate them about storing and improving their seed varieties. HPSI also organizes seed exchange events, bringing farmers together to trade varieties from different parts of Hawai’i. HPSI’s goal is to build knowledge of seeds through improved communication and information, and to preserve the diversity of home gardens.

International Center for Tropical Agriculture

The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), a member of CGIAR, is dedicated to “reduc[ing] hunger and poverty, and improv[ing] human health in the tropics through research aimed at increasing the eco-efficiency of agriculture.”

Headquartered in western Colombia, CIAT’s high quality research focuses on developing techniques, technologies, and methods to enhance eco-efficiency in agriculture primarily for small farmers. CIAT conducts crop research with its extensive genebank, which holds 65,000 crop samples from all of CIAT’s regional offices in Kenya, Vietnam, Honduras, and Nicaragua.

CIAT aims to alter legislation and supply information from their research on issues of climate change, farmers’ market access, and gender equity.

Louisiana Native Plant Initiative

The Louisiana Natural Resources Conservation Service began the Louisiana Native Plant Initiative to collect seeds, preserve native varieties, increase flora abundance, and research plant materials for future re-vegetation projects. Louisiana is home to a plethora of endangered varieties of plants such as the longleaf pine, switchgrass, big bluestem, and partridge pea. The initiative has spearheaded several new conservation projects, combining public and private managers in order to release native plants for commercial production.

Man and the Biosphere Programme

Launched in 1971 under the supervision of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB Programme) aims to conserve biological resources by improving the relationship between humans and the environment. Today, with the help of the MAB Programme, there are 621 biosphere reserves categorized in 117 different countries. The MAB Programme utilizes international, regional, and sub-regional partnerships to increase their global intelligence work.

Millennium Seed Bank Partnership

The Millennium Seed Bank Partnership, started by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is the largest plant conservation project in the world. Since 2000, Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank Partnership has saved 10 percent of the world’s wild plant species at their location in Wakehurst, England. The seed bank has one billion seeds from 130 partnering countries.

Similar to other seed banks, each seed is duplicated and the replica remains in the home country of origin. Kew’s long-term goal is to house seeds from 25 percent of the world’s bankable plants by 2020. Researchers at the seed bank can test centuries-old plants for medicinal purposes, assess horticultural value, and produce more seeds to increase global biodiversity.

Native Seed / SEARCH

Native Seed / SEARCH (NS/S) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to seed conservation in the Southwest United States and Northwest Mexico. Based in Tucson, Arizona, NS/S has a state-of-the art conservation facility, 2,000 varieties of arid land-adapted seeds, and a reputation as a leader in heirloom conservation. Their seed bank currently houses varieties of traditional crops including corn, beans, and squash once used by the Apache, Havasupai, Hopi, Maricopa, Mayo, and many other tribes.

NS/S aims to maintain the genetic purity of these traditional, wild strands of crops. In order to conduct further research and education workshops, NS/S purchased a conservation farm in 1997 to continue to build public awareness about the importance of biodiversity.


Navdanya is a research-based initiative founded by Dr. Vandana Shiva, a world-renowned scientist and environmentalist. Navdanya, meaning “nine seeds” in Hindi, saves endangered seed varieties through its seed vault, and provides support for local farmers. They also conduct research on sustainable farming practices at their own organic farm in Uttarakhand, North India.

Navdanya has collected roughly 5,000 crop varieties, primarily staples such as rice, wheat, millet, kidney beans, and medicinal plants. Navdanya’s outreach program has established 111 additional seed banks in 17 Indian states. Navdanya has also created a learning center, Bija Vidyapeeth in Doon Valley, Uttarakhand. Bija Vidyapeeth offers courses on biodiversity protection, agroecological practices, water conservation, and more.

New York City Native Plant Conservation Initiative

In 2008, the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation (DPR), in partnership with the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (BBG), started the New York City Native Plant Conservation Initiative to promote and conserve diverse native plant species. Launched with 34 endangered species, the initiative hopes to preserve New York City’s biodiversity and generate awareness surrounding the conservation of urban plant varieties.

DPR and BBG use their research on endangered plants to create new management strategies in the interest of promoting future biodiversity in the city. Additionally, the New York City Native Plant Conservation Initiative has a list of all native plant species in the city, which is used to develop seed transfer zones without diminishing the genetic fitness of the native plants.

The NSW Seedbank

The NSW Seedbank began in 1986 as an initiative to collect wild seeds for the Australian Botanic Garden in Mount Annan. Over the last three decades, the seed bank has grown to save and preserve Australian native and threatened plant species.

After a major upgrade in 1999 and creating a partnership with the Millennium Seed Bank in 2003, the NSW Seedbank launched a range of horticultural research projects in their on-site laboratory. NSW Seedbank now documents 600 threatened plant species and 81 threatened ecological communities.

Seed Savers Exchange

Seed Savers Exchange (SSE) is a non-profit organization dedicated to saving and sharing heirloom seeds. SSE’s mission is to “conserve and promote America’s culturally diverse but endangered food crop heritage for Future Generations by collecting, growing, and sharing heirloom seeds and plants.”

Headquartered in Decorah, Iowa, Seed Savers Exchange began in 1975 and its seed bank is now one of the largest in North America. Individuals and organizations become members of the seed bank and SSE facilitates communication and exchange of seeds among members.

Aside from their primary seed bank location at Heritage Farm in Decorah, SSE also maintains seed banks at the National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation in Fort Collins, Colorado and at the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Norway. SSE also offers services to nonmembers through the sale of more than 600 heirloom varieties.

Slow Food International

Slow Food International is a movement that began in the mid-1980s to give individuals an alternative to fast food and fast lives. Slow Food International believes in “neo-gastronomy,” or the recognition of the strong connections between plate, planet, people, and culture, and has more than 100,000 members in 150 countries.

The Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity was created in 2003 as a subcategory of their Terra Madre initiative to increase and preserve food biodiversity. The Foundation’s Ark of Taste program collects regionally and culturally significant food products to catalogue and promote their global consumption.

Their goal is to preserve history and traditions relating to food products around the world. So far, 1,200 products have been catalogued internationally, including the Pampin Mamey Sapote, native to Central America. Many national and local Slow Food organizations have begun their own seed saving initiatives to preserve heirloom varieties.

Svalbard Global Seed Vault

CGIAR and conservationist Cary Fowler founded the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in 2008. The vault, also known as the “doomsday vault,” rests more than 1,100 kilometers south of the North Pole. Seeds are stored in permafrost conditions, approximately -18 degrees Celsius, to ensure preservation. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault acts as a sort of insurance policy for other seed banks around the world, only accessing the seeds if the original is destroyed.

The Seed Vault can hold up to 2.25 billion seeds in total, equaling 500 seeds of some 4.5 million crop varieties. Priority for space in the vault is given to seeds that can ensure food production and sustainable agriculture, and the collection is primarily composed of seeds from developing countries. The seed vault is managed by the Norwegian government, the Global Crop Diversity Trust, and the Nordic Genetic Resource Center.

It is believe there are more than 1,000 seed vaults in existence today, all created within the past 50 years, and all for a reason. This number does not include the private collectors of non-GMO and heirloom seeds.

To experiment with all natural systems of life, all biological life; blocking sunlight, altering the chemistry of water, and knowingly causing the extinction of billions of species is by very definition criminal insanity. The die-offs of these species alone should render all climate engineers involved as criminal killers who should be prosecuted as such. They knowingly have affected the health of humans, all flora and fauna, all watershed systems, soil and forests, and they do so knowingly as the global seed vaults clearly demonstrate, the brain disorders in humans demonstrate, and the rapid and escalated killing of entire species of animals demonstrate. They must be stopped and charged with crimes against humanity and biological life, and this must be an immediate international initiative. There is no other alternative. Murder is murder.

As for this nucleated winter, I complete this article watching multiple planes spraying trails of nano-particulates; eight trails currently visible from my window. The question is how much longer I will live to convince the foolishly stubborn of their forthcoming demise. Keep in mind that entire flocks of birds, in the thousands, are dropping dead out of the skies.


1 + 1 = War

It is as clear as a nose on a face. The world’s billionaires and corporate crime bosses are meeting behind closed doors and with military protection. The world’s youth have no jobs. The entire world is sword rattling. People are starving everywhere. Jobs are desperately needed while most “jobs” have been given to slave laborers, trafficked, and imprisoned bodies. Economies have been artificially destabilized and crashed. Entire “global regions” have been wholly manipulated such as in all of the Mid-East, Europe, the Ukraine, the U.S./Canada/Mexico/Central and South Americas, Australia, and all of Asia.

There are no fixes, and there is no truth being spoken by any national or global “leaders”, and the world has seen this before; twice in fact in the Twentieth Century. Other nations are reinstating the draft, with most others requiring military service. The United States, with its chronic unemployment of youth and college graduates, will be next to reinstate the draft, perhaps including women and middle-aged people. We are entering the final preparations for World War III.

The rich have stolen the wealth of most if not all nations and have destroyed most if not all nations in the process, and they are now planning the “recovery” in secret. We have seen this before. Such “recovery” includes mass-depopulation of the poor and suffering through the elimination of food and water sources, ignored radioactive poisoning, sprayed poisons on land and in the air, and through the elimination of health/medical care, globally. We have seen this before in the Twentieth Century.

Attacks upon people’s rights, particularly their rights to speak opinions and to privacy, are global attacks. People are being demonized everywhere for recognizing truth, making connections, and putting two and two together, which is why the rich are again under military guard. We have seen this before in the Twentieth Century.

Once the next global war ensues, further devastating entire regions of the planet, “global” solutions will be enacted by the very same global billionaires and corporate crime bosses, exactly as following World War I and World War II, and their endgame will set the course for their future leadership, wealth, control, and ongoing manipulation and viciousness. Please, tell me why this continues. Tell me why the world’s militaries allow this barbaric immorality. Everyone knows who is at fault, who steals all wealth and futures, how they do it and why they do it. Why do we choose to live in this wholly insane and repeating pattern of constant murder and human culling?

1 + 1 = World War III. The elite will be just fine. The human beings, however, will be slaughtered. Refer to the Twentieth Century for all identical details and the instruction manuals.

Smoke and Mirrors, Cover-ups and Unbalanced Authority

Events such as global warming and epidemic cancers, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, obesity, diabetes, asthma, COPD, strokes and heart disease have had credibility problems from their mass-media inception. Anyone over the age of 60 who remembers standard health during the early and mid-twentieth century knows that human health has make a wild U-turn beginning around 1970, and what we know is that ill-health, which did not rule former days, is today all but guaranteed. Today, good health is rare and may, in fact, be impossible without extraordinary, very exclusive and scientific secrets.

The first indicator that something is wrong with the global ill-health scenario is that elites do not suffer from rabble diseases. They rarely die of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, asthma, etc. In fact, many elites die of actual old age and often in their 80’s and 90’s. Average Janes and Joes, however, are attaining earlier cancers, mental “disorders”, particularly children and young adults, and middle aged and young seniors are being eaten alive by Alzheimer’s disease, major organ failures, blood clots, and diabetes. Such “sickness” rarely occurs in elite families.

Equally problematic has been the steadfast blaming by mass-media for all the above on rabble behavior coupled with an executive ordered mental health industrial complex that, today, targets every human behavior outside of its control matrix as diagnosable and under the authority of computer generated drug therapies. In plain English, if you believe what you choose to believe, you may be crazy should your beliefs go against the orders of social engineers. This is best witnessed in today’s public schools where designated percentages of children are targeted for and directed into the mental health pipeline. Most of these children are 1) poor, and 2) often the children of single or impoverished families.

Today disease is chronic in average people who, prior to this century, were far healthier and on equal footing with elites in terms of general health. Today this is absolutely not the case. The world’s rabble, so to speak, is weakening. Overall health is rapidly declining, much like the decline of insects, birds, fish, amphibians, and other and larger mammals. Humans are rapidly following suit; that is, humans who are not Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Gates, Carnegies, Windsors, other royal families, and families of other corporate billionaires. Somehow they have managed to escape global poisoning and subsequent early declining health.

As it so “happens”, geoengineering or aerial spraying began in the 1970s and was a constant campaign by the 1980s through the present. Natural “catastrophe” was also determined as a planned catalyst for “change” in the 1970s by global councils, and at the same time that global governance, economics and trade were also set into high speed. Nature crisis was taught in schools, by tell-a-visions, via mass-media, public schools, and by thousands of newly created non-profit environmental corporations and land trusts. Therefore, as nature began being purposefully damaged and destroyed, we the rabble were trained to take the blame and to “change” our thinking. Again, public schools were the first social systems to be bombarded with blame-based social engineering while aerial spraying continued unabated for the next 45 years. So effective was this media and educational campaign that corporates invented a carbon tax scheme, whereby avoiding pollution taxes by enforcing rabble tax payments, globally, so that corporate pollution also continued unabated and at no financial cost including taxes. The rabble, however, is guilt-manipulated into eliminating air conditioning, automobiles, central heating, meat eating, etc., while corporations like MacDonald’s Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, and all other “chain” restaurants built and continued to unethically operate all global factory farming operations specifically for their “chain” industries. We are blamed and accused. We are taxed for the damage. They make billions in profits, quarterly and tax free; a near-perfect socially engineered corporate governance system.

As advanced robotics are replacing human workers in large and small industries alike, robots without wage or healthcare needs and without human failings such as sickness, no-shows, car problems, and sick kids; robots are less expensive employees than people. Robotics is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. I recently read that within 10 years, most fast-food “chains” would be operated primarily by robots, and that virtually all large factories would be operated using machine-based employees. Hence, the need for humans will be vastly diminished by corporations. Hence, the need for billions of humans is…unnecessary. After all, what is the bulk of humanity if not human “resources” and minimum or no-wage slaves? Perhaps privatized prisons and their judicial partner/stakeholders should clarify?

Today, approximately 50% of senior citizens in the U.S. have Alzheimer’s disease, so what is the profitability point of treating them with medical care? Today, one-quarter of children in public schools have been diagnosed as “mentally ill.” Today, approximately 30% of American adults have also been diagnosed with “mental disorders”, mostly women, and the largest group of unemployed people in the U.S. is employment-aged men. Add to all the above all new-fangled and chronic sicknesses, our declining ages of death and our joblessness, which translates to government dependency in a reportedly bankrupt nation. Simple solution? Eradication of the masses. Hence, Stratospheric Aerial Geoengineering; spray and eliminate the unneeded human infestation.

Truth hurts, doesn’t it? It won’t hurt any less should you refuse to believe the genocidal trails above your heads or the allowance of nuclear contamination to accumulate over 60 years, because you will die badly as a result whether you believe or not. The data basing of your rabble status guarantees that you will not avoid intended elimination.

When depraved people are permitted global wealth and power, and when morality is made illegal in cultures and in laws, democide and genocide occur; the depraved and constant history of humankind. This time, however, the lunatics desire the entire planet, believing they can control and/or destroy it as well. This tells us one of three things: 1) They can knowingly reverse the damages they have done, 2) they have the technological and/or pharmaceutical capability to protect themselves from radiation, heavy metals, Morgellon’s, and genetically modified food, and/or 3) they are insane/evil and do not care one way or the other as long as their plans and wills play out. One cannot easily overlook that all of creation is targeted, all of it; air/atmosphere, the electrical nature of life, magnetism and gravity, water, rain and evaporation, flora and fauna (food and oxygen), humanity itself, the earth’s core and tectonic plates, and even the substances deep within the earth and under oceans and lakes; they want control of it all, and they are rapidly seeking new territories and resources in space along with the implanting of new and deadly space weapons systems. To me, this is insanity; to them it is science and human-enforced evolution. To the victims of both, we have two choices: 1) Be victims, or 2) stop them.

Between all the smoke and mirrors, lies and cover ups, and what appears to be very clear-cut and diagnosable insanity in the ruling elite, our choices appear to be limited to two.

From Fukushima to the U.S. and Canada

Bottom line: Unending radiation is in our air, our rain, the Pacific Ocean, all along the Western coastline, in forests, covering all wildlife, and all sea creatures and vegetation. Day after day, second after second, we are breathing deadly radiation, the same radiation that is killing Japanese people; the same radiation that is causing birth defects, and the same radiation that is killing hundreds of billions of land, air and sea creatures.

Then add the East Coast “accident” and the New Mexico “accident” where, like Fukushima, absolutely nothing is being done. Then add “healthcare” that does not treat the sick and a government that does not address these issues.

I don’t know about you, but this looks like a no-brainer to me. Such “accidents” are being allowed to play out, and the result is radiation poisoning.

Carte Blanche Depopulation: Crimes against all life must be declared

Let’s begin with a list:

· Unimpeded nuclear testing

· Unimpeded Fukushima contamination

· Unimpeded nuclear weapons production and commerce

· Global daily and nightly aerial spraying/geoengineering/climate engineering

· Unimpeded war/war-based economics

This initial list gave birth to the following list:

· Genetically modified crop seeds

· Global use of pesticide and chemical fertilizers

· Global soil toxicity

· Worldwide water contamination

· Epidemic cancers in humans and animals

· Escalating infertility in humans and animals

· Epidemic kidney and liver failure in humans

· Epidemic Alzheimer’s disease

· Global drought

· Global and uncontrollable wildfires

· Global flooding

· Global nucleated rain and snow

· Global HAARP facilities

· Global aerial and satellite warfare

· Global Biosphere Reserves

· Global destruction of family/small farms

· Global confiscation of private property based on pollution-related factors

· Global starvation

· Tax-free global Black Market trades in weapons and weapons’ systems, drugs and human trafficking (sweat shop/free labor factory workers filling global-sized orders)

This list demonstrates the following:

· The United Nations and Universal Declaration of Human Rights are fraudulent.

· Global monarchs, presidents, prime ministers, political representatives, militaries and corporate transnational CEOs are complicit players and planners in and of the aforementioned lists.

· Both the United Nations and the players have declared stated intentions to depopulate the planet.

· Technological replacement of “human” resources for automated/robotized resources

This list relays the global results of intentioned depopulation:

· Over one billion legal global abortions with some estimates as high as two billion both legal and illegal.

· Late-term abortions

· After-birth abortions

· Infanticide of females

· Legal assisted suicide and human euthanasia

· Elimination of medical care for the elderly, the diseased, and the imperfectly born

· Physician care replaced with nursing and drugs

· Unaffordable health care

· Governmental and bureaucratic/insurance-based death panels

· Enforcement of global vaccines

· Enforced sterilizations

· Climate engineered starvation and dehydration

· Deforestation

· Artificially engineered and regionalized climate warming and cooling

· Carbon credit Ponzi taxation/profit schemes

· Global food and water contamination

· Electromagnetic and microwave (invisible) weapons systems

· Enforcement of food animal drugging

· Enforcement of corporate farming/food sources

· Laws criminalizing organic foods/farms/animal husbandry

· Laws making law suits against corporate poisoning illegal, globally

· Laws making protest illegal, globally

· Laws making free speech illegal, globally

· Laws making privacy illegal, globally

· Brutal attacks upon political and social dissidents, globally

· Global militarizing of community policing

· Treaties/memoranda of understanding/directives/international agreements making legal sweat shops/slavery/free labor, globally

· Privatized prisons/free labor/slavery, globally

· Mass-drugging of school children and women

· Global birth control coercion and enforcement of women

· Mass-mental health screenings and diagnoses

· Demonization of and attacks upon religiosity/people of faith (inalienable reproduction rights), globally

· Global seed vaults

· Global water contamination, control, dam removal, rerouting, well capping, and metering

· Engineered regional drought and flooding

· Land confiscation

Lists are good. They are succinct, to the point, and they make thinking less burdensome when the all-encompassing reality of perpetrated death or, in legal terms, first-degree murder, results.

Weather engineering the climate, which began in earnest in the 1920s, resulted in a highly technological and scientific system to cull enormous segments of the population. The money that has been spent on this near century-long endeavor alone proves its military application, its expertise, and its panoptical comprehensiveness.

Are humans over-populated? I do not have the answer to that question. First, global population numbers are provided by the funded recipients of the planners, which raises red flags. Birth rates have been falling for decades, and abortion, infanticide and non-stop warring eliminate tens if not hundreds of millions of people annually not including natural death. However, what are we to assume of natural death beneath the reality of climate engineering, food engineering, artificial drought, flooding, electromagnetic pulsing, atmospheric super-heating, microwaving, satellite weaponry, mass-drugging, and a wholly radioactive planet? Is there such thing as “natural” death?

I never anticipated that I would become an environmentalist because I always recognized the complicity of the most powerful “green” lobbies, land trusts, and environmental non-profits and governmental agencies with the United Nations “sustainability” agenda; a wholly corporate profit, land confiscation and depopulation-based agenda (Agenda 21). Today, however, I am an environmentalist fighting for my life’s sustenance; sunlight, food, water, air, and soil. Without these fundamentals of natural life, I cannot live.

No existing law makes illegal human depopulation. Corporate billionaires and their philanthropic organizations fund all global depopulation missions through control of governments that in turn enact laws ensuring their power and wealth. These people are known, and their numbers are very few; however, they control all governing and military powers, all global economies, all central banking systems, and all science; they create all technologies, they control information dissemination and communications, and they control the entire world’s food and water sources through geoengineering. There are “pollution” laws, but none apply to these planners. Equally, the same planners enacted and erected the United Nations, its global treaties, its corporate representation, and NATO.

In their destruction of all national economies and global war destabilizations, humans have become chronically destabilized and incapable of achieving fundamental lives. Equally, most of humanity is chronically sickened and impoverished, and not one living creature on earth, plant or animal, is unscathed or biologically “natural” or healthy. As a result, we are flooded with pharmaceutical and recreational substances to mask our chronic and purposed infirmity and decrepitude; substances also made to hasten the death of all major organs.

The people, plants, animals, air, water and soil blanketed in nano-particulate heavy metals, sulfates, nano-bio-filaments, and other unknown substances are no longer of biological or original nature. All life and its necessary sustenance have been technologically altered. Sickness and death is the result, and all somehow legal. Planetary destruction is the result and somehow legal. If we do not or cannot change this, the final generations of most humanity, alive today, will be gone by mid-century—exactly according to their plan and timeframe goals.

To those alive today, this is the final chance to stop this power structure and to bring them to justice. First-degree murder of all biological life is the charge and the crime as so declared by we the people of the world. If this is not the accepted global outcry and command, today’s living generations are going to die en masse. I repeat: Today’s living generations, those alive today, are going to die en masse.

Geoengineering (Chemtrail) Patents: Denial obliterated

With mainstream media’s ongoing ridicule of all the “conspiracy theorists,” this list is offered without comment (note the dates):

United States Patent and Trademark Office

1338343 April 27, 1920

-Process And Apparatus For The Production of Intense Artificial Clouds, Fogs, or Mists

1619183 March 1, 1927

-Process of Producing Smoke Clouds From Moving Aircraft

1631753 June 7, 1927

-Electric Heater Referenced in 3990987

1665267 April 10, 1928

-Process of Producing Artificial Fogs

1892132 December 27, 1932

-Atomizing Attachment For Airplane Engine Exhausts

1928963 October 3, 1933

-Electrical System And Method

1957075 May 1, 1934

-Airplane Spray Equipment

2097581 November 2, 1937

-Electric Stream Generator Referenced in 3990987

2409201 October 15, 1946

-Smoke Producing Mixture

2476171 July 18, 1945

-Smoke Screen Generator

2480967 September 6, 1949

-Aerial Discharge Device

2550324 April 24, 1951

-Process For Controlling Weather

2510867 October 9, 1951

-Method of Crystal Formation and Precipitation

2582678 June 15, 1952

-Material Disseminating Apparatus For Airplanes

2591988 April 8, 1952

-Production of TiO2 Pigments Referenced in 3899144

2614083 October 14, 1952

-Metal Chloride Screening Smoke Mixture

2633455 March 31, 1953

-Smoke Generator

2688069 August 31, 1954

-Steam Generator Referenced in 3990987

2721495 October 25, 1955

-Method And Apparatus For Detecting Minute Crystal Forming Particles Suspended in a Gaseous Atmosphere

2730402 January 10, 1956

-Controllable Dispersal Device

2801322 July 30, 1957

-Decomposition Chamber for Monopropellant Fuel Referenced in 3990987

2881335 April 7, 1959

-Generation of Electrical Fields

2908442 October 13, 1959

-Method For Dispersing Natural Atmospheric Fogs And Clouds

2986360 May 30, 1962

-Aerial Insecticide Dusting Device

2963975 December 13, 1960

-Cloud Seeding Carbon Dioxide Bullet

3126155 March 24, 1964

-Silver Iodide Cloud Seeding Generator Referenced in 3990987

3127107 March 31, 1964

-Generation of Ice Nucleating Crystals

3131131 April 28, 1964

-Electrostatic Mixing in Microbial Conversions

3174150 March 16, 1965

-Self Focusing Antenna System

3234357 February 8, 1966

-Electrically Heated Smoke Producing Device

3274035 September 20, 1966

-Metallic Composition For Production of Hydroscopic Smoke

3300721 January 24, 1967

-Means For Communication Through a Layer of Ionized Gases

3313487 April 11, 1967

-Cloud Seeding Apparatus

3338476 August 29, 1967

-Heating Device For Use With Aerosol Containers Referenced in 3990987

3410489 November 12, 1968

-Automatically Adjustable Airfoil Spray System With Pump

3429507 February 25, 1969


3432208 November 7, 1967

-Fluidized Particle Dispenser

3441214 April 29, 1969

-Method And Apparatus For Seeding Clouds

3445844 May 20, 1969

-Trapped Electromagnetic Radiation Communications System

3456880 July 22, 1969

-Method Of Producing Precipitation From The Atmosphere

3518670 June 30, 1970

-Artificial Ion Cloud

3534906 October 20, 1970

-Control of Atmospheric Particles

3545677 December 8, 1970

-Method of Cloud Seeding

3564253 February 16, 1971

-System And Method For Irradiation Of Planet Surface Areas

3587966 June 28, 1971

-Freezing Nucleation

3601312 August 24, 1971

-Methods of Increasing The Likelihood of Precipitation By The Artificial Introduction Of Sea

Water Vapor Into The Atmosphere Windward Of An Air Lift Region

3608810 September 28, 1971

-Methods of Treating Atmospheric Conditions

3608820 September 20, 1971

-Treatment of Atmospheric Conditions by Intermittent Dispensing of Materials Therein

3613992 October 19, 1971

-Weather Modification Method

3630950 December 28, 1971

-Combustible Compositions For Generating Aerosols,

Particularly Suitable For Cloud Modification And Weather Control And Aerosolization

Process USRE29142

This patent is a reissue of patent US3630950

-Combustible compositions

for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control

and aerosolization process

3659785 December 8, 1971

-Weather Modification Utilizing Microencapsulated Material

3666176 March 3, 1972

-Solar Temperature Inversion Device

3677840 July 18, 1972

-Pyrotechnics Comprising Oxide of Silver For Weather Modification Use

3722183 March 27, 1973

-Device For Clearing Impurities From The Atmosphere

3769107 October 30, 1973

-Pyrotechnic Composition For Generating Lead Based Smoke

3784099 January 8, 1974

-Air Pollution Control Method

3785557 January 15, 1974

-Cloud Seeding System

3795626 March 5, 1974

-Weather Modification Process

3808595 April 30, 1974

-Chaff Dispensing System

3813875 June 4, 1974

-Rocket Having Barium Release System to Create Ion Clouds In The Upper Atmopsphere

3835059 September 10, 1974

-Methods of Generating Ice Nuclei Smoke Particles For Weather Modification And Apparatus Therefore

3835293 September 10, 1974

-Electrical Heating Aparatus For Generating Super Heated Vapors Referenced in 3990987

3877642 April 15, 1975

-Freezing Nucleant

3882393 May 6, 1975

-Communications System Utilizing Modulation of The Characteristic Polarization of The Ionosphere

3896993 July 29, 1975

-Process For Local Modification of Fog And Clouds For Triggering Their Precipitation And For Hindering The Development of Hail Producing Clouds

3899129 August 12, 1975

-Apparatus for generating ice nuclei smoke particles for weather modification

3899144 August 12, 1975

-Powder contrail generation

3940059 February 24, 1976

-Method For Fog Dispersion

3940060 February 24, 1976

-Vortex Ring Generator

3990987 November 9, 1976

-Smoke generator

3992628 November 16, 1976

-Countermeasure system for laser radiation

3994437 November 30, 1976

-Broadcast dissemination of trace quantities of biologically active chemicals

4042196 August 16, 1977

-Method and apparatus for triggering a substantial change in earth characteristics and measuring earth changes

RE29,142 February 22, 1977

-Reissue of: 03630950

-Combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process

4035726 July 12, 1977

-Method of controlling and/or improving high latitude and other communications or radio wave surveillance systems by partial control of radio wave et al

4096005 June 20, 1978

-Pyrotechnic Cloud Seeding Composition

4129252 December 12, 1978

-Method and apparatus for production of seeding materials

4141274 February 27, 1979

-Weather modification automatic cartridge dispenser

4167008 September 4, 1979

-Fluid bed chaff dispenser

4347284 August 31, 1982

-White cover sheet material capable of reflecting ultraviolet rays

4362271 December 7, 1982

-Procedure for the artificial modification of atmospheric precipitation as well as compounds with a dimethyl sulfoxide base for use in carrying out said procedure

4402480 September 6, 1983

-Atmosphere modification satellite

4412654 November 1, 1983

-Laminar microjet atomizer and method of aerial spraying of liquids

4415265 November 15, 1983

-Method and apparatus for aerosol particle absorption spectroscopy

4470544 September 11, 1984

-Method of and Means for weather modification

4475927 October 9, 1984

-Bipolar Fog Abatement System

4600147 July 15, 1986

-Liquid propane generator for cloud seeding apparatus

4633714 January 6, 1987

-Aerosol particle charge and size analyzer

4643355 February 17, 1987

-Method and apparatus for modification of climatic conditions

4653690 March 31, 1987

-Method of producing cumulus clouds

4684063 August 4, 1987

-Particulates generation and removal

4686605 August 11, 1987

-Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere

4704942 November 10, 1987

-Charged Aerosol

4712155 December 8, 1987

-Method and apparatus for creating an artificial electron cyclotron heating region of plasma

4744919 May 17, 1988

-Method of dispersing particulate aerosol tracer

4766725 August 30, 1988

-Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefore

4829838 May 16, 1989

-Method and apparatus for the measurement of the size of particles entrained in a gas

4836086 June 6, 1989

-Apparatus and method for the mixing and diffusion of warm and cold air for dissolving


4873928 October 17, 1989

-Nuclear sized explosions without radiation

4948257 August 14, 1990

-Laser optical measuring device and method for stabilizing fringe pattern spacing

48050 August 14, 1990

-Liquid atomizing apparatus for aerial spraying

4999637 March 12, 1991

-Creation of artificial ionization clouds above the earth

5003186 March 26, 1991

-Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming

5005355 April 9, 1991

-Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

5038664 August 13, 1991

-Method for producing a shell of relativistic particles at an altitude above the earths surface

5041760 August 20, 1991

-Method and apparatus for generating and utilizing a compound plasma configuration

5041834 August 20, 1991

-Artificial ionospheric mirror composed of a plasma layer which can be tilted

5056357 October 15, 1991

-Acoustic method for measuring properties of a mobile medium

5059909 October 22, 1991

-Determination of particle size and electrical charge

5104069 April 14, 1992

-Apparatus and method for ejecting matter from an aircraft

5110502 May 5, 1992

-Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

5156802 October 20, 1992

-Inspection of fuel particles with acoustics

5174498 December 29, 1992

-Cloud Seeding

5148173 September 15, 1992

-Millimeter wave screening cloud and method

5245290 September 14, 1993

-Device for determining the size and charge of colloidal particles by measuring electroacoustic effect

5286979 February 15, 1994

-Process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation using dispersed melanin

5296910 March 22, 1994

-Method and apparatus for particle analysis

5327222 July 5, 1994

-Displacement information detecting apparatus

5357865 October 25, 1994

-Method of cloud seeding

5360162 November 1, 1994

-Method and composition for precipitation of atmospheric water

5383024 January 17, 1995

-Optical wet steam monitor

5425413 June 20, 1995

-Method to hinder the formation and to breakup overhead atmospheric inversions, enhance ground level air circulation and improve urban air quality

5434667 July 18, 1995

-Characterization of particles by modulated dynamic light scattering

5441200 August 15, 1995

-Tropical cyclone disruption

5486900 January 23, 1996

-Measuring device for amount of charge of toner and image forming apparatus having the measuring device

5556029 September 17, 1996

-Method of hydrometeor dissipation (clouds)

5628455 May 13, 1997

-Method and apparatus for modification of supercooled fog

5631414 May 20, 1997

-Method and device for remote diagnostics of ocean atmosphere system state

5639441 June 17, 1997

-Methods for fine particle formation

5762298 June 9, 1998

-Use of artificial satellites in earth orbits adaptively to modify the effect that solar radiation would otherwise have on earth’s weather

5912396 June 15, 1999

-System and method for remediation of selected atmospheric conditions

5922976 July 13, 1999

-Method of measuring aerosol particles using automated mobilityclassified aerosol detector

5949001 September 7, 1999

-Method for aerodynamic particle size analysis

5984239 November 16, 1999

-Weather modification by artificial satellite

6025402 February 15, 2000

-Chemical composition for effectuating a reduction of visibility obscuration, and a detoxifixation of fumes and chemical fogs in spaces of fire origin

6030506 February 29, 2000

-Preparation of independently generated highly reactive chemical species

(more forthcoming as we find them)

Holding Government Accountable: The final stab at morality

A listener to our show raised the issue of lost morality in the U.S. He was talking about how “systems” have overtaken our lives, technological systems. Banking, communications, employment, education, Smart Metering, power grids, privacy, law enforcement, military, etc.; all system-driven, system-operated, and system-devised and modeled. Equally, the destruction of human morality became mandatory beneath the other-than-human “systems” that control people. As controllers became machines, human morality became problematic. Technological rulers are oblivious to moral codes.

As our human “representatives” and “peace keepers” also became subservient to technological devices and authority, their need for moral codes also vanished. Technologies made way for Ponzi ethics, which made technologically-based theft wildly successful on a global scale. Today we see the global results of Ponzi-based technologies throughout the world in the incomprehensible wealth of the one or two percent and the impoverishment of the rest.

Globally, all people understand the results of technology-based Ponzi theft. The understanding is inescapable. We are rated and ranked by computer systems birth to death. Physicians, pre-schools to universities, employment, military service, computer and phone use, Smart Meters, credit or debit card use, banking, shopping in stores, dining in restaurants, driving on roadways, or even walking down city streets are today consolidated technology-based activities, while walking in forests, fishing, hunting, canoeing, gardening or other “human” activities are close to wholly illegal activities. As such, human morality falls when it becomes illegal to act as biological human beings.

The comprehension of global theft of the world’s people by the one or two percent caused the paranoia-based technologically-driven illegality of human behavior. It was necessary for our moral codes to cease in order to accept theft, murder, democide and genocide, non-stop warring, brutality, and tax-free Black Marketeering. Morality was purposefully degraded over decades. Schools teach immorality, entertainment champions immorality, and with the attainment of money becoming the sole purpose of existence, birth to death. The attainment of money has become the sole purpose of living and, with technologies replacing human labor, our purpose is rapidly becoming nil to the one or two percent.

Having ignored and allowed representatives, kings, queens, prime ministers and dictators to build self-serving systems, we find ourselves incapable, unknowledgeable, uneducated, sickened, weak, drugged, and technology addicted. We have virtually no skills minus keyboarding or screen touching, and our addictions to such devices are fusing our brain power with these devices; devices that are programmed to do all thinking. As drug and technology addicts, we find the devices a relief from thinking. Equally, our conditions find morality best ignored knowing full well what has happened, but recognizing we are in no condition to stand up to all-encompasing and complex enslavements.

We are overwhelmed with technology-based information of wars, loss of human rights, criminal governance, and bad food, water and air. It is remarkable though understandable that the greatest civic effort is the demand for marijuana, another numbing agent giving even greater wealth to governance. We say to ourselves, “I’m just trying to get by, cut expenses, pay bills, get another check, and smoke weed. I just need a phone and a computer.” This is not the definition of human morality. Morality requires a clear-headed and thinking human brain.

Today, the reality is that technology systems do all thinking in government, the military, economics and finance, commerce, education, health, communications, science and engineering, and entertainment. The human mind is defunct, and it was the human mind that understood the necessity of morality. As such, rather than pounding the streets for marijuana, we must hold those responsible for all theft, particularly the theft of our sobriety and clear sightedness, accountable. The technologies that mastermind our lives, fully destroying all privacy and rights, health and sobriety, food, water and air, our intellectual abilities and educations, and that synthesized our profound ineptitude must be addressed squarely at the root of the disease, the government. Our incompetence, based on addictions to drugs and technologies, was the planned outcome of paranoid governments representing the world’s thieves, the one or two percent. The recognition of this crime against life, all biological life, is humankind’s last chance to demonstrate human morality, the very last chance considering the global technological weapons systems, technological diseases, and technologically engineered weather and food.

As all eldership is being eliminated, so are the infirmed, the imperfectly born, and the poorest of the poor. The rest will be enslaved as mostly free laborers controlled by inescapable technological systems, rationed food, water and goods, and widespread sterility. If this is the outcome desired for yourselves and your children, and if all is well beneath the theft-based morality of technological systems that include the theft of human health, fight for marijuana and upgraded smart phones. If you long for human morality, hold the disease and their minions to account. They are easy to spot being Red, Blue, billionaires and trillionaires.

Passive Democide: Drought and Starvation

Killing off large segments of populations is normal government business, and with so many historical examples it is not difficult to understand how poisoning and starvation have accomplished genocides and democide throughout history. On small scales, people are starved and dehydrated in jails and dungeons, poisoned by snakes, diseases, and fancy, deadly concoctions, and water wells have been poisoned throughout human history; all of which effective murder and often performed without culpability. In fact, hundreds of millions of people have been murdered by starvation, dehydration and poisoning. It’s a government thing.

Interestingly in the twenty-first century, national governments and the global government is out in the open with their intentions to scale back humanity. They gave us AIDS, abortion, very bad food and drugs, and they continually flood all markets with deadly street drugs while calling them “recreational” substances. Clever, indeed.

Equally, governments all over the world continually test nuclear weapons on land, in the oceans, in the atmosphere, and by global failure to maintain nuclear power plants. Governments sponsor and represent technology corporations that design deadly devices like smart phones, smart meters, microwave ovens, routers, and computer systems; all of which emitting dangerous radiation levels, and all of which marketed and enforced upon every age group. With GPS technologies we even sit in enclosed automobiles with dangerous radiation levels spewing forth in the cabins. Very clever, indeed.

But the most clever, devious and malevolent poisoning devices are in the form of aircraft spraying poisons into the stratosphere, poisons which fall down upon all life on earth as nano-sized particulates, which are inescapable. Decade after decade, we have breathed these particulates, worn them on our clothing and skin, walked and played in them, and we have eaten them in our salads, in our potatoes, in our steaks and burgers, and in our pan fish. We drink our nano-particles in our bottled water, from our taps, from our pristine streams and springs, and from our tongues catching the rain.

All creatures large and small in nature eat and drink nano-particulates, sleep in them, and live their entire lives covered in them. Equally, our gardens and crop fields grow in nano-particulate soil and absorb nano-rainwater. What this all boils down to are several remarkable truths:

1. “Pristine” does not exist on planet earth.
2. There are, no doubt, ways to protect the few from this reality, but most cannot afford to do so, nor are they not told how to protect themselves from complete environmental contamination.
3. The fouling of the soil, water and air will lead to food failures, both flora and fauna.
4. The same aircraft, also blocking nearly 25% of earth’s sunlight with their nano-particulates, also cause flora and fauna failure, drought, flooding, ozone depletion and global warming, as so declared by geoengineers, scientists and scientific reports, universities, and even governments themselves.

Geoengineering, which is the scientific name for chemtrails, is destroying the world’s food and water sources. This fact is not lost on government leaders, scientists, billionaires and trillionaires, or global rulers. They all know that earth’s food and water sources are wholly contaminated. They know because they have been relentlessly spraying the planet for 40+ years, gauging the results of their ozone depletion, acidification of salt and fresh waters, covering forests with nano-particulate heavy metals causing unstoppable wildfires, and they know the human, animal and plant sicknesses born of these non-stop aerial campaigns. They know the results, and they know exactly what they are doing. So do Monsanto, Dow and others who create and recreate modified foods to grow in wholly contaminated and toxic global soil.

Human sickness has exploded in bizarre epidemics over the past 40 years. Chronic kidney and liver failures, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, asthma and other pulmonary disorders of every new make and measure, epidemic skin disorders including Morgellon’s disease, chronic dry skin, skin lesions, chronic itching syndrome, and many others; wildly escalating cancers in young and old alike when, lo and behold, a new health care system evolves that 1) eliminate physicians and replaces them with nurses; 2) replaces medical care with palliative numb-care for the elderly; 3) eliminates medical care for the imperfectly born; 4) drastically reduces medical care for both Medicare and Medicaid patients; 5) legalizes and pushes “assisted” suicide while striving for euthanasia legality as in Europe; 6) helps insurance corporations to dump physician and hospital care; and 7) forces most business to cut full-time employees to part-time, whereby eliminating actual medical insurance. Coincidental?

Then consider the pharmaceutical industry, the industry that began earning billions in profits due to 1) chronic global sickness; 2) socialized or universal health care which causes more rapid death; 3) physicians replaced by drug therapy and its toxic addictions, and 4) the obscene annual profits made from the chronically sick and dying. Another coincidence?

Then top this off with global food and water shortages, exactly as we were told they would occur, and exactly what aerial spraying of nano-particulates causes; drought and consequential food shortages, contaminated water sources, blocked sunlight, and an entirely poisoned planetary ecosystem, atmosphere, ionosphere, and stratosphere; a system that will not and cannot support biological human, animal, or plant life.

Governments both national and global with their hired scientists claim that aerial spraying is an attempt to stop global warming. That is a lie. They are altering the weather and sunlight to cause a seemingly “natural” global famine to depopulate human beings to numbers of their choosing. They are committing perpetrated democide, depopulating exactly as they said they would do, and they are using “global warming” as their cover story for mass murder. Frankly, we should all be far more concerned than even at present. Why? Because they know we know, and I suggest that time is very, very short. Once we are sick enough (and it’s hard to imagine how much sicker we can possibly become), manufactured “super” viruses could take most of us out in a heartbeat. Remember that we have been ruthlessly prescribed antibiotics for common colds and runny noses for decades, destroying our natural immune systems much like the AIDS virus. Remember that super viruses, too, can be nano-particulated and sprayed, just as they have done so many, many times in the very recent past.

If you are not yet on this bandwagon, God only knows why not, because very, very soon, there will be food and water crises like none ever experienced in human history. This perpetrated famine will make Stalin’s famine look like a Sunday picnic. This is the reason for geoengineering, for all the stripes and grids in the sky. They are killing everything, but what they are after is you.