
Screening of “Look Up” Documentary with GeoEngineering Panel Discussion Feb 7, 2014 – LAX Hilton Expo Event

December 27, 2013

Free GeoEngineering Panel Discussion February 7, 2014.”Environmental And Health Ripple Effects”

Information.Pass Required.Date.Friday,February 7th.5:30pm-7:30pm.Location:LAX Hilton,Plaza Panel Room,LA California USA.Award Winning GeoEngineering Film:”Look Up” to follow panel discussion – 7:30pm-9:00pm in the Bel Air Room.

GeoEngineering Panel:Dane Wiginton, Susan Jacobs, Dr. Douglas Levine, George Barnes, Scott Stevens.This panel will take an in-depth look at Climate Science, the unregulated program of GeoEngineering and Weather Modifications, and the resulting health risks.

In 2 hours your life will be changed. We guarantee it and apologize in advance for bringing this to your attention. You will never look up in the same way again.

Ever see long white trails in the sky that don’t dissipate? Have sunsets and cloud cover looked stranger than in the past? Wonder how there can be a blizzard in 75 degree weather? None of this is normal and can be attributed to man-made manipulating of the weather. GeoEngineering is the deliberate creation of false cloud cover intended to reverse global warming through the spraying of highly toxic chemicals into the atmosphere from aircrafts. Unregulated. Health risks unknown. Environmental risks are becoming more evident each day. GeoEngneering is the number one environmental threat the planet faces today.

You won’t believe what is being injected into the atmosphere.But it’s true and the mainstream media is beginning to take notice. Health is everything and the increasing cancer and autism statistics are undeniable evidence. Your health and the health of the planet are at great risk. Come and learn what you can do and become part of the rapidly growing movement to take back our skies and air.

The Horror of Institutionalized Avarice

The government, economic system, national identity, and the people of this nation have become wholly polluted with pathological want and greed. It is incomprehensible what we have become, and we have become exactly what the government desired us to be, that being criminally inclined and in need of control. How can we have been so dangerously foolish?

We are following tooth and nail in the footsteps of today’s cartel governance, acting as criminals, thieving our national coffers and neighborhoods, stealing from taxpayers and businesses, and we consider such as entitlement entertainment—EXACTLY as governing elites.

Rather than hold them accountable to ethical and moral representation and constitutional law, we allow and then mimic their all-inclusive criminality as EXPERTS in THEFT, VIOLENCE and IMMORALITY on every level. We know full well that they have ALWAYS destroyed equal opportunity for the “under classes (THEIR terminology)”, meaning people of color and “Appalachian whites (THEIR terminology)”, but now their greed has extended to EVERY person minus themselves and their international corporate handlers. THEY have robbed and ransacked this nation where NO ONE can succeed except by Fusion score permission.

They have declared that 27% of the American people are mentally ill including one-quarter of American school children. They have lowered public and higher education standards to such a degree that we now read at an average 6th grade level, minus the 32+ MILLION people who are today wholly illiterate.

We have thrown off faith, moral foundations, marriage, learning, work ethics, manners, care of our children and elders, and instead have opted for drinking, drugging, welfare and technological entertainments which encourage violence-based leisure activities and merrymaking. We are becoming thrill-seeking drug thugs.

Seniors are wasted. School children are wasted. Young people seek recreation with drugs. Women are near-constantly drugged. Is it, no doubt, that we are not ourselves? Does the same occur in our governing “representatives”? The answer is, yes.

Without sober, ethical and moral thinking and real knowledge, we focus our half-baked brains on “getting stuff” to further our numbed and dumbed-down intellects while acting like barbarians. You see it in the halls of DC. You see it in homes, on the news, in every neighborhood in every city and berg; this horrible CHANGE that has overcome the people and functioning of this nation. We are living the perpetrated lie; the lie that has led us to uncivilized folly, tanks in the streets, militarized policing, blood in the streets, and all rights as human beings replaced with PRIVILEGES to OBEDIENT and PURPOSEFULLY DRUGGED SLAVES.

It is all based in avarice, pathological greed and ill-thinking, meaning sick thinking. Please, people, wake up and smell the impending results of this nightmare which has only just begun.

The Government’s Betrayal of the Urban Poor

No jobs, no way to repay career college loans, food stamp defunding, no free Obamacare, horrible urban public education, rising rents, escalating utility costs, unaffordable food, and expanding and wildly escalating violent crime; the government lied to the nation’s poor and most vulnerable people. Everything for the poor is getting rapidly worse.

Elderly people and single women with children are being evicted in record numbers. Dollar stores are now grocery stores for the poor and some of the most rapidly growing corporations due to Bridge Card transactions. Epidemic numbers of senior citizens, women and children, Black males, and veterans are hungry and homeless, and it’s going to get worse.

The poor in all nations are the most reviled populations. They are considered to be lesser human beings and, thanks to the U.S. government, your punishment as poverty-ridden people is increasing. Seniors are in the same reviled boat. The government sees the poor, the under-educated, the elderly, and the disabled as dispensable populations. Equally, America remains a nation that largely fears people of color, truth. Therefore, and hear me well; take these words of advice seriously:

Group up with family members and move out of the urban centers. Try to convince grandparents, parents, middle-aged and younger adults and children to live under one roof and to share expenses.

Try endlessly, every day, to secure jobs. If four or five adults can find even part-time work, your family will get by, and you may be able to get elderly family members to take care of children while the working-age adults work. Pool your money.

Learn to grow large food gardens and to keep and butcher chickens. It’s not hard; it’s just work, but work that sustains your families. If you can rent in a rural area with some acreage and fencing, consider raising larger meat animals as well; again, not hard to learn, just work.

Get rid of most electronics that create laziness and dependency on entertainment. These devices are purposefully addictive and damaging to human initiative. Get rid of the TV first. It lies incessantly and makes everyone lazy and ignorant.

Pull together and become seriously interested in self-sufficiency, learn new skills, and eliminate dependency on bad government. Trust me: the government is not interested in you or anyone else minus the one percent. You know this is true.

Eliminate all partying, drugging and drinking and become the outstanding parents that your children deserve. Become the people God meant you to be. You cannot continue to make excuses for self-destructive behaviors. You must become ethically and proactively self-reliant.

Take a skills inventory of all the adults in your extended family. Everyone has specific talents, and all are marketable. Start small home-based businesses, where all profits stay within the family. Use Amish businesses as a model, and investigate all that Amish families grow and sell, build and sell, and market and sell; with all dollars earned supporting entire families.

One of the biggest indicators of ongoing and generational poverty is urban living. Why? Because urban centers cater to wealthy movers and shakers, bankers, investors, and to corporate wealth and political power. Washington DC is the kingpin of the urban wealth and power model, and most of its financial backers and their corporations operate within urban America. DC only and ever serves the richest of the rich.

Most people, Average Joe and Jane, do not ever find (nor should they) extreme wealth, because extreme wealth is only achievable with massive slave labor bases (minimum wagers, Third World sweat shops, part-timers, etc.). Strive to achieve reasonable wealth for your families based upon your works, talents and efforts, but you must get out of the urban wastelands to do so. Otherwise, generational poverty will continue because it is systemically guaranteed that you will remain poverty-ridden. Equally, when the poorest people of this nation finally realize the betrayal of this government, the urban areas will become far worse and far more dangerous than they are at present. Get your families out and get off the systemic poverty paradigm.

Get the money together to move. Figure it out. Find rural or small bergs to move into, and begin the process of self-preservation and self-respect through work and family, and stop partying; all partying. It is not okay to drink and smoke weed. It is a crippling legacy to leave to your children and it destroys their childhood memories. Equally, get your children into better school systems or, better yet, consider homeschooling. The urban schools have devastated the urban poor with horrible educations for the nation’s entire history, which you well know.

Rural living, gardens, tending to animals, and the safety of rural lifestyles are wonderful for children, and they grow up as highly skilled adults having learned primary life skills; none of which being available opportunities for inner-city children. Also, remember that your senior family members are likely to be the most skilled and talented family members. Have them apprentice you and your children so that their skills are learned and passed down.

With all this said, make a plan and get out of the inner-city areas. You can do this, and you will breathe so much easier once you are free from the systemic trap and doom of governmentally orchestrated poverty. Equally, should the entire nation go haywire with a nation-sized “crisis”, urban centers are the last places you want to be with your families. When you look at potential rental homes, have cash on hand. Everyone is strapped and cash money talks.

Move to a Rural Area…Seriously…Right Now

When nukes are being moved from one side of the nation to the other, when big swords are rattling worldwide at the United States, and when congress is not congress and the judicial system is not based on laws; when international forces are practicing in most major cities in the U.S. AND training law enforcement to act as soldiers, it’s time to move away from metropolitan areas, because something is clearly afoot and impending.

Every big dog in the U.S. is warning of 1) a national cyber-attack, 2) impending pandemics, 3) nuclear, chemical and biological attacks, 3) an economic crash, bank failures and bail-ins, and 4) militarized control of we the desperate ones including forced relocations into interment centers/compounds. As such, here are a few suggestions:

Get out of the cities. Try to buy or rent houses off of main thoroughfares and with enough land to grow food, with wooded acreages, and with immediate access to water (lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, wells).

Rent with friends or extended family members if possible.

Buy tools and books. Learn how to do things besides press buttons on keyboards. Learn to be useful to people, not corporate profits.

Homeschool your children or prepare to have them locked down in schools. You are going to have to decide if you want them with you or with soldiers.

Prepare to work differently and much harder because you have A LOT to learn, quickly.

Learn how and what to buy to safeguard yourselves. Buy all food and supplies in bulk. Do NOT spend money on entertainments. You’ve, no doubt, already had enough “entertainments” to last a lifetime.

Get multiple dogs and other defense essentials. If the nation loses power, millions of people are going to be house-hunting for food.

Learn to hunt and fish and get licensed to do so.

Buy non-GMO, heirloom garden seeds NOW. Print food storage lists off Internet sites NOW. Start buying NOW, but first and foremost, move out of the cities. Get yourselves to very rural areas, which at the moment are chock-full of rental properties, many of which being low cost, especially compared to city rents and mortgages.

If you live with several adults, you can find part-time jobs and share driving expenses. If you have any real skills (auto maintenance, cleaning, cooking, sewing, plumbing, electrical, farming, large equipment operation, etc., you will find work). Try to work from home as well. You can feed a whole lot of people on $10.00 or $15.00. It’s not that hard to make a few bucks from home (babysit, edit, tutor, sew, in-home laundry service, auto detailing, yard maintenance for neighbors, yard sales, EBay, veggie stand, etc.).

Pay rents/mortgages and utility payments ahead by several months, if possible.

Start looking NOW for your country retreat. Enlist the help of family and friends who live outside of cities and start packing.

“Public” Education: Teaching Joey and Janey Who and What to Hate

We point fingers at Middle Eastern countries and their schools that teach and preach hatred for Jews and western culture, blaming governments that sanction religion-based educational hatred. We rarely consider the near constant occupation by foreign and western military forces that have manipulated and devastated those nations for upwards of one century, and how that might have something to do with Mid-Eastern education, but we readily and easily condemn what we believe to be educational hate mongering. Perhaps we should consider our manipulations and devastation and the results to the Mid-Eastern people and their hopes for a bright future under military occupation. Thus far, it hasn’t worked out so well for them.

Equally under-thought is the consideration of the American public education system that use to train labor forces with functional literacy and mathematical capabilities, but today trains minimally literate and mathematically incompetent low-wage laborers who are also trained who to love and who to hate. For example, gay, lesbian and transgendered people are federally sanctioned as loveable, and Christians and conservatives are backward and hateful. Progressives are intelligent and inclusive, conservatives are ignorant and condemning. Nature is abused, and human comfort is evil. In truth, Joey and Janey are being taught 1) who and how to hate, and 2) how to live as highly controlled, incapable and unquestioning low-wage labor forces; all under the guise of “critical thinking” and all federally COMMANDED beliefs.

U.S. public education is a sick joke because it does not educate nor prepare students for higher education or to think independently of government or of management”. Equally, it encourages, if not insists upon youth sex, abortions, atheism, and independence from parental authority, which is why most parents (minus rich parents) are treated with disdain and contempt by teachers and administrators.

Non-compliant students, those who challenge authoritarianism and canned curricula, are pipelined into Big Pharma kiddy drug therapy and addiction, with which parents are forced to comply, and they are data based as “mentally ill” for the rest of their lives (no gun ownership for those kids in the future). Equally, all those “diagnosed” children will be left standing in the welfare lines as their diagnoses will magically appear, with their pharmaceutical addiction records, on every E-verified job application score. These children’s futures are screwed.

However, American parents send Joey and Janey off to their wonderful schools, forking out tax dollars and extracurricular thousands upon thousands of dollars, while public schools all across the nation lower educational standards, implement mind control curricula, and dump billions of taxpayer dollars into real estate renovations for the government-owned schools; new parking lots, new gymnasiums, new buildings, new soccer fields, new bathrooms, etc., while school libraries are dismantled and eliminated in exchange for addictive new screen devices for the kiddies…the kiddies who can’t read or do math, and who are farmed into two-year “career” colleges for corporate and low-wage wage slavery. Man…the truth hurts, doesn’t it? But, hey, those school campuses sure look great!

You should be relieved; however, that education for elite students is very different in private institutions of excluded learning. Elite students are still taught higher order reading and writing, mathematics, and science and logic, and they score marvelously on SAT and ACT scores and continue to be accepted into the best universities in the world, and all without student loan debt or mental health diagnoses. You should be relieved knowing your next “leaders” are very well prepared.

There Are Reasons Why the U.S. Looks a Military Zone

Clearly, the U.S. is preparing for civil unrest as every urban drill demonstrates. Clearly, as many, many cities have been declared under conditions of martial law, and as international forces have been training with homeland forces and local law enforcement from coast to coast, the only viable explanation is that martial law is forthcoming under predetermined conditions. It is all out in the open, happening as we speak, and it is the American people that are being militarily targeted and controlled.

The fact that UN/NATO forces have been practicing with homeland forces for a decade or more is also a clear indicator of why the rights of the American people were eliminated at exactly the same time. We are the military target. Here are my best guesses:

1) The economic system will collapse. My primary reason for thinking so is that our physical gold, as well the physical gold of nations who stored their gold in the U.S. Federal Reserve vaults is seemingly missing.

2) A pandemic is likely to ensue as a control mechanism, fear tactic, and effective deflection of actual political intentions and events.

3) There will be a long break from mass communications and possibly from electrical power, and transportation will also be limited if not disallowed over a long period of time.

4) The United States will be dismantled as we know it, and the already existing “regions” or sectors will overtake state governments as most states are also bankrupt as the entire nation has been economically plundered.

5) Banking as we know it will cease to exist. Social security and pensions will also cease to exist, and new economic apparatuses will unfold, but slowly, very slowly.

6) It is not out of the realm of possibility that the nation will be divided into other international zones of occupation since foreign nations own U.S. debt and the UN controls hundreds of millions of U.S. acres (Biosphere Reserves and World Heritage Sites), and due to the fact that national infrastructure has been sold for over 21 years via Executive Order 12803. Foreign investors and corporations own vast amounts of the United States including housing, schools, hospitals, prisons, power grid systems, water treatment systems, roads and highways, railways, ports, and air travel systems, etc.

7) As the people who are American traditionalists or Christian constitutionalists have been declared terrorists, it is reasonable to assume that the new leadership paradigm will disallow Christian political philosophy or the Christian religion, both of which having been vastly negated and limited in the last decade alone.

My mother died seven days after September 11, 2001. The last words she spoke to me before her death were, “Remember that things can change for the worst…things can get really, really bad. Don’t ever forget this.” I remember thinking how odd it was for her to say these words as she had been a source of optimism her entire life, and that it was out of character for her to declare a seemingly impending sense of doom. Today, however, I feel her words were prophetic as I sense a terrible darkness that also feels very close.

As Darren always says, “Pray for this nation. Do what you can to restore it.” Please, refer to the article listed beneath this one, and prepare for worst-case scenarios as best you can. What is occurring in this nation should not be happening, but it absolutely is. There are reasons for the national militarizing initiatives and the billions, if not trillions of dollars that have gone into these missions.

You Can’t Be Ignorant and Free at the Same Time

Even though it makes you mad, it turns out all the “conspiracy theorists” were right. Marxist Socialism overtook ALL “social” systems in the U.S, and today we are left with a national population that can’t name one constitutional right, who read and write at about a sixth grade level, are gaming and screen addicts, who never heard of Engels and Marx or their manifesto, and who run to the government, exactly according to plan, for food, shelter, heat, childcare, medical care, schooling and job training, for child education beginning at infancy and through college, and even for phones. Wow…

Today even those in the know are running to the government troughs because they have lost jobs and homes, even well knowing that to get government feed and housing they will be forcibly “retrained” in “career” colleges, amassing tens of thousands of dollars of government debt with interest. Today people are lucky to get minimum wage, part-time jobs but, hey, they’ve got government help, right? Jumping through government hoops keeps one busy on a monthly basis. It takes a lot of effort to keep all those monthly benefits coming, and it takes a lot of reporting to handlers. But that’s okay. Everybody’s doing it.

Here’s the problem: You gave away your freedom. You accepted government control over your entire lives. You are owned, and you owe them whatever they say you owe, both today and in the future, and you jump through every hoop because you are not your own person. You are a government slave and, sadly, pathetically, you never even knew your national rights to begin with, including that slavery to the government is illegal. Again I say…wow.

To the ones who do realize that all social systems were infiltrated by Marxist Socialists, and that the consequential ignorance coupled with implanted immorality, also an integral part of the original plan, the results clearly indicate why the nation fell over the course of 80 years and, particularly, the falling away from God. A government’s job is not to play God. A government’s job is to protect the nation and to ensure quality infrastructure. Instead, our actual military was sent out of the nation, permanently, to become a “global” force, and the government sold the national infrastructure (Executive Order 12803, George H.W. Bush) to foreign nations (notice the conditions of our national infrastructure…now the national corrosion makes sense).

Instead, the government took the role of taking over its citizens, which is why you now have a homeland paramilitary system with soldiers running around the U.S. in exactly the same fashion as troops in the Mid-East. Today the government takes “care” of you while controlling and watching every aspect of your lives, much like God used to do when we worked to take care of ourselves and each other. Today people expect EVERYTHING from the government, even their recreational drugs, and that, too, they have been given. Check every urban area and government school in the United States if in doubt. Government even bought condoms for your children so they wouldn’t have children at thirteen. You didn’t need to worry about that, either.

To the ones in the know, expect to work harder than you have ever worked in your lives to survive and never, ever forget your prayers. Keep telling the truth. To the government slaves, expect mandatory military service in the very near future, because you are all going to be cut off, but don’t worry. The government will take care of your kids, just like they have for decades. After all, they’ve provided far more than you ever have, so let’s just make the assumption that your kids belong more to the government than to you. Equally, as recipients of the government’s very peculiar generosity in providing for your every need for several generations, expect to pay a huge price at some point in the near future.

You cannot be ignorant and free at the same time. It’s just the way it is. You are free because God said you are free. There are a whole lot of American people who need to be praying. Now would be a good time to start.

Thoughts on Time, Life’s Stages, and My Youngest Child’s Birthday

I was forty-years-old when my youngest child was born, and I remember thinking how blessed I was to have a child at that age. Birthing children in our forties was, in fact, a pattern in our family. My mother gave birth to me at forty-three, and one of my sisters also had a child at forty. Today at nearly sixty-years-old, my youngest child turns nineteen and I cannot help but to reflect upon time’s rapid march through life’s wondrous stages.

Though I have written many times about my amazing family and background, I cannot help but revisit the unique familial combinations of people and talents that resulted in the culmination of my youngest, who, without fail, is also unique, unusual, and so obviously one of us.

In atypical fashion, many women in our family became highly accomplished beginning in the early twentieth century. My grandmother, born in the 1880’s, was a fine artist who taught at an art museum at a time when working women were disrespected. Her sister, my Aunt, was both a university professor and high school teacher having become highly educated at a time that did not prefer educated women. Beginning with these women, many artists, musicians, scientists, lawyers, activists, and writers evolved in our lineage, all women, and all having struggled amidst cultural forces that desired stay-at-home wives. We have all battled our ways uphill for more than 100 years.

In this vein my youngest child is a senior at a university at 19, preparing for graduate and post-graduate degrees in economics and political philosophy, with the intent to teach, research, and write in her fields. She is nineteen-years-old, and her accomplishments to date are extraordinary. As is typical of the women in our family, she is also artistically inclined with multiple natural and self-taught talents. These accomplishments, however, are not what make her unique in our family; rather, it is her complex thinking, her world view, and her ability to argue complex issues that makes her, frankly, mind-blowing.

One particular memory that has become a mainstay is of one a Thanksgiving Day, with the family seated at the dining room table, and my daughter at four-years-old declaring in response to someone’s comment, “I find that notion to be somewhat absurd.” She silenced the room, and everyone turned their heads to look at her. After several regarding moments, my sister, a physician and physicist, stated, “Did you hear what she said? Huh…remarkable,” and dinner continued. Such is the family, and such is the girl.

Equally unique and extraordinary were and are the family men. Self-made businessmen, surgeons, engineers, tailors, bagpipers, artists, Shakespearean actors and poets, English professors and writers, and brilliant carpenters; such are the men who chanced the women who dared to excel beyond a commandeering culture and religion. For over 100 years this family broke molds to claim intelligence and talent.

My surviving sister and I are now older and feeling our ages. Her daughter is an attorney and privacy rights activist, arguing such before the Supreme Court, and my daughter seeks to invent a moral and ethically-based economics system, God’s speed. Today she goes to work, studies for her GRE, and crochets a blanket for a friend. I will make her favorite meal and a birthday pie, and I will give many thanks for who she is, for those who came before her, and for God’s unfathomable blessings.

I am reminded that life is remarkably short, somewhat surreal in its beginnings and endings, and that time, indeed, does fly. I am reminded that ancestry leaves its indelible history of extraordinary people and circumstances imprinted upon every subsequent generation. In our case, and clearly witnessed in my daughter’s face, I find myself profoundly grateful and blessed. Happy birthday, beauty. I could not be more proud of you.

Still Supporting Big Retail, Big Pharma and Big Ag?

It is a choice, after all. As corporate monsters are running all national governments, your choice directly equates to the condition of your nation and world. Granted, their gargantuan government-purchasing wealth was accomplished by international entanglements that you did not ask your “representatives” to enact and, granted, you may have foolishly believed that their wealth was not also a result of the world’s most successful tax-free businesses, the black market “trades”, but nonetheless and today, who are you supporting—corporate monster governance, criminality, profits and dictatorial powers, or the dignity, freedom and rights of human beings to live in moral, ethical and actual civil societies AND to experience “culture” as they see fit?

Your choice also affects the reality of economics-based global corporate warfare and its resulting and endless terrorism against the world’s people who, in fact, have God-given rights to believe whatever they want to believe, to live how they choose to live, and to belong to cultures of their choosing. Do you support the global military industrial machine, with its drones, city-size bombs, bioweapons, chemical weapons—all financed and developed by corporate businesses, banks and black markets —or do you support the dignity, freedom and rights of human beings to live in moral, ethical and actual civil societies?

Five or six hundred corporations run the world as we see it. Look at the global results and ask yourselves who and what you are supporting with your labors and your fiat spending. If you are still shopping at the global chain stores, taking ten mind-numbing, liver and kidney destroying drugs per day, and eating government subsidized and modified foods that are making you sick for the pharmaceutical military complex; then, in truth, what right do you have to complain about the state of the nation or the world? When you are funding the beast, you’re the beast.

I understand certain dilemmas, such as the necessity of purchasing gasoline, but are you purchasing Marathon gasoline, Marathon being an American company, or are you purchasing global gasoline from Exxon Mobile (Rockefeller) or BP or Royal Dutch/Shell or others? Are you funding the oil conflicts in the Mid-East or are you giving jobs to and supporting American people and companies? It all boils down to choices; supporting corporate monster governance, criminality, profits and dictatorial powers, or the dignity, freedom and rights of human beings to live in moral, ethical and actual civil societies AND to experience “culture” as they see fit? Have you even attempted to commit to a better world, or do you still refuse to do the actual and most basic work? It is a choice, after all.

Education-based Bureaucratic Bullying Has Failed: Time to Return to Real Experts

Nowhere can the proof of total failure by governing bureaucrats be better understood than in the public education system. From enforced Outcome-based Education to No Child Left Behind to today’s Common Core social engineering, the taking of educational expertise from the hands of educators has left the U.S. public school system and decades of its students in total shambles.

Never in U.S. history have there been record numbers of high school drop outs, failing grades, and students who run, not walk, to gang memberships and lifestyles. Schools have failed beyond comprehension because schools were forced to fail by federal interventions that were and are cruelly absurd and profoundly moronic. The federalizing of state schools destroyed education in the United States. Today the first two years in colleges and universities are spent trying to get students up to 11th and 12th grade speed as most students graduate from high schools with 7th to 10th grade reading, science and mathematical skills, and with most performing abysmally on standardized tests and the SAT and ACT. What is unconscionable is that this failure was planned by the federal government. The rabble was purposefully dis-educated.

Teachers, who have always been underpaid in the United States, were underpaid for a reason. It has been known and planned for decades to phase out educators in order to phase in governmentally controlled technology-based education. Talented teachers always taught students how to think for themselves. Software teaches students what to think, and there is a profound difference between the two. Good teachers inspire creative thought and creative invention and interpretation. Software socially engineers brains by force-limiting them to follow orders, to be compliant with and worshipful of “superiors”, and to make students grateful for communal wage slavery.

Today’s higher education students are still children at age 25, are screen- and game-addicted, and most cannot afford to buy automobiles or homes. Many never read or write at the college level, and many, many American students are a decade or more behind most Asian students.

Teachers in the U.S. are leaving the field in epidemic numbers because they have become technology facilitators and government program indoctrinators, and they know it. They know the damage that is caused to students, and they know full well that the very best option for students who cannot afford elite private schools is homeschooling. However, homeschooling is on the government’s chopping block. Guaranteed, it is only a matter of time before homeschooling will be illegal. Consider the following countries that have explicitly forbidden homeschooling in their national laws with no exceptions:

• Albania
• Andorra
• Armenia
• Azerbaijan
• Belarus
• Bosnia and Herz
• Brazil
• Croatia
• Cuba
• Cyprus
• El Salvador
• Georgia
• Greece
• Greenland
• Guatemala
• Kazakhstan
• Latvia
• Liechtenstein
• Lithuania
• Macedonia
• Malta
• Moldova
• Montenegro
• San Marino
• Serbia
• Slovakia
• Trinidad and Tobago
• Turkey

The following countries allow very limited homeschooling, with severe restrictions:

• Bulgaria (illegal except for children with special needs, and then under strict government control)
• Estonia (allowed in “exceptional cases”)
• Germany (the only exception being where continued school attendance would create undue hardship for an individual child)
• Iceland (only if the homeschooling parents have teaching certificates)
• Luxembourg (legal only for primary school age)
• Netherlands (only legal if parents cannot find a school fitting their beliefs in their area)
• Romania (only when children are disabled or have special needs, and then under the supervision of an accredited teacher)
• Slovak Republic (only by an accredited tutor and only to grade 4)
• Sweden (illegal except under exceptional circumstances but these are virtually never approved; the government has threatened, fined and removed children from homeschooling parents)

The following countries have declared that homeschooling is legal, at least temporarily. There may be severe oversights and restrictions:

• Australia
• Austria (instruction must be equal to that of the state school)
• Belgium (with testing at 8, 10, 12 and 14)
• Canada (each province and territory has its own policies, with varying levels of regulation)
• Colombia (regulated by Ministry of Education, students must pass tests to be admitted to college)
• Czech Republic (currently allowed with restrictions as part of an experiment, up to 9th grade)
• Denmark
• Finland (written and oral examinations to check on progress are mandatory)
• France (with mandatory inspections)
• Honduras
• Hungary (every homeschooled child must be supervised by an authorized school and pass annual exams)
• India
• Indonesia
• Ireland
• Italy
• Kenya (though homeschooling is now in jeopardy)
• New Zealand
• Norway
• Peru (prior registration with the Ministerio de Educación is required)
• Poland (must be supervised by an authorized school and pass annual exams)
• Portugal
• Russia (students are attached to local schools and must pass periodic appraisals of their work)
• Slovenia (students must “enroll” in local schools and pass annual tests in various subjects)
• South Africa (though many parents do not register because of legalities)
• Surinam
• Switzerland (legal in most but not all cantons, some are quite restrictive)
• Taiwan
• Ukraine
• United Kingdom
• United States (various restrictions and regulations apply, varying by state)

Some countries do not address homeschooling at all in their laws or have very ambiguous laws. Some examples of these are:

• Japan (there are ambiguous laws, though more and more students are not in school)
• Monaco (no known laws)
• Spain (legal according to the constitution but illegal according to education law, currently considered illegal)
• Ukraine (the law seems to support homeschooling but it is often disputed by local authorities)

Other countries have made homeschooling technically illegal but they do not typically prosecute. Examples of these are:

• China (homeschooling is illegal for national citizens but schools are not always free and the large numbers of migrant workers mean that school attendance is almost never checked)
• Hong Kong (it is officially illegal but the government does not typically issue a school attendance order)

As one can clearly see, the push to end homeschooling is also an “international/global” initiative. Thanks to for this information.

Today in the United States, Amish children with their 8th grade educations are far, far more educated than American public school students, and most of today’s top paying jobs require advanced math, science, and language arts skills; all purposefully denied to American school students and two-year college students. Equally, many teachers being paralyzed by their unions, their crappy paychecks, and their dire need for jobs comply with the governmental damages inflicted upon their students.

Another little known fact about the federal interference in public education is that many U.S. charter schools are now bought up and owned by foreign investors or corporations seeking to train children into specific worker models. This is NOT education. This is slavery abuse; yes, slavery abuse of minds and of future potential where obedience is the primary lesson learned.

Sadly, education is only one sector of the federal government’s intervention into people’s lives, minds and potential, but it is certainly one of the easiest witnessed sources of their destruction. Let it be known and comprehended that the federal government is decades into ultimate plans for total control and destruction of independent human beings. Let us pray you and your children and grandchildren are not too damaged to see the misspelled writing on the wall. Let us also pray that ALL teachers in the United States will stand up and refuse to further damage American students, including their mandate to send as many as possible into the pharmaceutical pipelines.